Ginsamin (Syrup)


Each 15 ml contains:
VitaminA.. .2500lU.VitamìnBl. . .1.5Omg.VitaminB2 .. .1.7Omg.VitaminB5 .. .5mg.
Vitamin B6. . .1.5 mg. Vitamin B12 .. .1 meg. Vitamin C . . .50 mg. VitaminD3.. .2001U,
Niacin. . .20mg, Folic acid . . .20 meg, Zinc . . .3mg. Magnesium . . .2.5mg
Choline chloride. . .2.5mg. Biotin .. . 3omcg. Iodine . . . 5omcg


Ginsamin controls and regulates the general metabolic functions and growth, while minerals and trace elements provide necessary nutrients for the
metabolism of cells and nerve tissues. It helps to improve overall health with increase vigor, vitality and stamina.
Ginsamln increases muscle strength, physical work capacity and helps to overcome fatigue by enhancing oxygen metabolism.


Adults: One tablespoon daily.
Children: One teaspoon twice daily.


Ginsamin Syrup 120 ml pet bottle.

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